Vapi Vray 3dmax Lighting Rendering Architectural Courses

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   Vapi, Gujarat
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SUMMARYPosted: 3 months ago



08879205268 whats app

get professional training in 3d studio max vray ,mental ray

improve your rendering quality

learn to create photo-realistic architectural interiors and exteriors in V-Ray and mental ray

special discount on vray mental ray combain course

provides state of the art rendering solutions for architectural, VFX, film, media and entertainment, automotive design, television and other industries

Vray Course Description

Vray Render Settings

Vray Light,Mesh,Sphere,Dome
Vray Sun
Ies Light

Vray Hdri Lighting

Vray Materials ( Architectural Materials Steel,Glass,Plastic,Water,Glossy Reflective Materials )
Vray 2 Sideded Material
Vray Blend Material
Vray Car Paint
Vray Fast sss 2
Vray Light Material
Vray Material Wrapper
Vray Material Override
Vray Ambiant Occlusion

Vray Effects

Vray Caustice
Vray Motion Blur
Vray Dof (depth of field,bokeh effect)
Vray Fur

Vray Dirt
Vray edge text

Vray camera

Interior Rendering
Exterior Rendering

Vray Render Elements

Free Material

everyone who attends gets a free 3d model library,material library,vray mental ray readymade scenes.

08879205268 whats app

Digital Masters

(Not Rated)

••••• •• 5268

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