Murshidabad College Of Engg And Technology

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   Others, West Bengal
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SUMMARYPosted: 3 months ago

Murshidabad, known all over the country as a renowned place of historical heritage and tradition still remains a backward agricultural district. To pull it out of the morass of despondent situation,the settling up of a Degree Engineering College of modern technology was the crying need to the people of this District. The concept remained as a distant dream till one person came forward to realize it with firm conviction and determination. Shri Nripen Chowdhury , Ex-Sabhadhipati,Murshidabad Zill Parisad , happens to be that person to whom this institute owes much for its onward progress and development.The college came into being through formal inauguration by Dr.Ashim Dasgupta , the then Hon\'ble Minister-In-Charge, Finance, Govt. of West Bengal, on 8th August, 1998.The College was shifted to its own campus and it was formally opened on 4th August 2001 , by Mr. Buddha Dev Bhattacharjee ,the then Hon\'ble Chief Minister of West Bengal . The college is aided by the Govt. of West Bengal . Established by a voluntary Society .The college is aided by the Government of West Bengal from time to time as a nonrecurring grant. The institute is approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) , New Delhi and affiliated to the West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT).


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Shri nripen chowdhury , ex-sabhadhipati,murshidabad zill parisad , happens to be that person to whom this institute owes...


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