Excellent Quality Shih Tzu Puppies Ready To Sreeganesh Farm

   Jaipur, Rajasthan
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SUMMARYPosted: 3 months ago




The Shih Tzu is a small, sturdy little dog with a short muzzle and large dark eyes. With a soft and long double coat, it stands no more than 26.7 cm (101?2 in.) at the withers and with an ideal weight of 4.5 to 7.3 kg (10 to 16 lbs). Drop ears are covered with long fur, and the heavily furred tail is carried curled over the back. The coat may be of any color, though white and with blazes of white are frequently seen. The Shih Tzu is slightly longer than tall, and bigger dogs ideally should carry themselves \"with distinctly arrogant carriage\". A very noticeable feature is the under-bite, which is required in the breed standard.
Website :- www.sriganeshfarm.co.in
Emailid :- sriganeshfarm@gmail.com,sreeganeshfarm@gmail.com
Mobile number :- (whats app / 08372091696/ 08167209342)
Delivery anywherein india without taking any charges.
Any orther query pls call , sreeganesh farm . Thanks

Website :- www.sriganeshfarm.co.in
Emailid :- sriganeshfarm@gmail.com,sreeganeshfarm@gmail.com
Mobile number :- (whats app / 08372091696/ 08167209342)
Delivery anywherein india without taking any charges.
Any orther query pls call , sreeganesh farm . Thanks" />
Sriganesh Farm

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