Aeromed Air Ambulance Service In Hyderabad - Medical Flight For Quick Evacuation

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   Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
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Zamroo Team

SUMMARYPosted: 3 months ago

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Do you need the best air ambulance for your loved one? Are you in need of the fully featured medical flight for quick evacuation?

Aeromed Air Ambulance Service in Hyderabad is equipped with specialized equipment and compartments to accommodate patients with specific medical needs. For instance, neonatal incubators may be available for the safe transport of premature infants or newborns requiring intensive care. Similarly, isolation units can be set up to safely transport patients with infectious diseases, preventing the spread of infections to other passengers or crew members. Aeromed Air Ambulance Service in Hyderabad specialized provisions demonstrate the adaptability of air ambulances to meet various medical requirements during emergency evacuations.

Contact today, for more details and further inquiries:

Aeromed International Rescue Services Pvt. Ltd (AIRS)

Head Office: - B 668, Ashok Vihar Phase 4, Delhi-52, India

Mobile: - +91-9108037716, 9711200400, 9899554095

Mail: -

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