4.5ah 6v Batteries - Made In Your Brand

   Delhi, Delhi
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SUMMARYPosted: 3 months ago



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Dear Sir,
I am very happy to share this info with you, we start Batteries production in INDIA, Delhi.
basically you know, we leading internationally recognized vertically integrated solar BLDC Fan manufactured Company of INDIA

4.5Ah 6V Solar Batteries – We start first production of 6V 4.5Ah battery, it's valve regulated sealed lead acid batteries are maintenance free, easy to handle, rugged and economical. It has a characteristic of high discharge rate, wide operating temperature and long service life.

Per day Production : 1000 pics
Weight of batteries : 730g ~ 760g
Warranty of batteries : 6 month (1 month additional)

for any furthere info feel free contact us : 9891882432


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