Summer Camp 2015 At Narhe

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   Pune, Maharashtra
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SUMMARYPosted: 3 months ago

Age Group - 3yrs to 10 yrs
Camp 1 - 18th Apr - 27th Apr 2015
Camp 2 - 15th May - 24th May 2015
Timings :
Half Day (3 hrs) - 10am to 1pm
Full Day (10 am to 6pm )

- Plantation - Children will plant trees on very first day and take care of them throughout the camping days
- Art and Craft - Drawing / Painting / Clay Modelling and many other activities

- Doll Wedding - Children will create the dolls and enjoy the wedding in traditional wear

- Galaxy Round - Introduce kids with Our Planet system through models and clips

- Movie Time - An Animated cartoon movie will be shown to kids on Projector

- Group Cooking with Angat-Pangat - Children will cook on 'Chul'(earthen stove) under our observation

- Life of Post - This is an initiative by us to let children know the Postal system which we all used to enjoy in our childhood

- Soap Bubble Fun- Children will enjoy playing soap bubbles

- Fort Making - Very few kids make 'Killa' on Diwali so this will be learning experience for them

- Pyjama Party - Kids will come in their night dresses to have fun

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