Strandz Salon And More

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   Mumbai, Maharashtra
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SUMMARYPosted: 3 months ago

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Strandz Salon and More offers an unforgettable experience from the moment our guests walk in. Our extremely skilled and knowledgeable style artists specialize in Hair cuts, hair styling, Beauty, Pedi Mani Spa, Bridal, Skin Care, Massage and much more... for both Men and Women. We use and recommend the finest products in the beauty industry to enhance all of the services. We have become one of the leading unisex salon in Mulund. It was established in 2020. We have created a salon that offers the highest quality hair services in a setting that is healthier for the environment, that\'s why we are the best beauty parlour in Mulund. Get ready to flaunt soft gorgeous and Healthy Hair only at Strandz Salon. Stay Safe & Healthy!

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5.3 Lacs
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Vishal Kadam

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