Immediate Walk In Interviews In Knb Wealth

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   Kolkata, West Bengal
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SUMMARYPosted: 3 months ago






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We are looking for Candidates or Agent or a Consultancy who provide man power in our company for a spot joining vacancies Location: Kolkata Our company basically deals with spot joining in following areas 1.Sales Executive ,2. Marketing Executive,3. Tele caller
in under company pay roll .for more details please contact@ 9681919771/033-40088708 Or can email us -

Pinki Sarkar Dutta

(Not Rated)

••••• •• 771

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  1. Meet in a public place during the daytime when other people will be around.
  2. Don't carry large sums of money with you when going to meet the seller.
  3. Never send advance payment under any circumstances.
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